Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Big Move!

The last two weekends in July we have spent on our big move.  We upgraded from an apartment to a townhouse.   This move was in town so the following tips might not apply to everyone moving.

My top ten tips for moving are:
1. Pack a first day bag.  This bag will be your toiletries, medication, bedding, towels, phone chargers and clothing for the first few days.
2. If it is a local move clean the house before the move.  Clean every corner.  I even cleaned the washer and dryer!  Take apart the fridge, wash the curtains, clean every inch you can before things like furniture and boxes are in your way. 
3. Be prepared to give a 10% cash tip to each of the movers
4. Start a give away section in the old house and continue in the new.
5. Color code the boxes for each  room. 
6. Use a cooler to transport perishable food.
7. Take pictures to document this family experience.
8. Check all appliances that they work prior to closing.
9. Keep plenty of water at hand.
10. Be prepared to have lots of garbage!! We even had to take the tape from the movers to throw out ourselves. 

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