Wednesday, March 21, 2018

10 Things I have learned from being a new mom

I have been a new mom for 8 months now.  I don't know it all, maybe I never will but I sure have learned a lot!  Here are my top 10!

1. Baby spit up and baby puke are totally different!
2. Starting habits from day one (tummy time, brushing teeth, and bedtime routines) makes life a lot easier
3. Always pack your bags the night before.
4. You do NOT have to take your child into the bathroom with you.
5. You do NOT have to keep the baby in the bassinet in your room.
6. Baby led weaning is so fun!
7. Breastfeeding is one of the most empowering and life-giving experiences.  Pumping breast milk is not.
8. Her style is way cooler than mine. Why don't they make these clothes in my size?!
9. Video monitors are the best
10. You can still live your life with your interests and hobbies.  Just be on the same page with your partner!

This little peanut has taught me so much!

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